The adjectives are highlighted.
The kite flew swiftly into the sky.
The dragon-shaped kite flew swiftly into the wide blue sky.
The boy tripped clumsily over the log.
The frightened boy tripped clumsily over the slippery jutting log.
My mother is coming for tea.
My frail, elderly mother is coming for late afternoon tea.
The porch contained a number of umbrellas.
The musty porch contained a number of red and black umbrellas.
The caves were full of danger.
The salt caves were full of real and widespread danger.
The children were happily at play in the playground.
The fresh faced children were happily at play in the colorful playground.
The ship bravely rode the waves.
The massive ship bravely rode the swelling waves.
A candle burnt brightly on the mantelpiece.
A tall white candle burnt brightly on the impressive mantelpiece.
The shark calmly circled the herd of darting fish.
The monstrous shark calmly circled the large herd of silvery, darting fish.
Please remember to bring a sleeping bag with you.
Please remember to bring a warm and sturdy sleeping bag with you.
The mermaid sang sweetly to the ship full of sailors.
The enchanting mermaid sang sweetly to the ship full of lonely, forlorn sailors.
My father paints pictures with pastels.
My talented father paints glorious pictures with multicolored pastels.
The child had quite a high fever.
The poor sick child had quite a high and dangerous fever.
A ladder was hanging precariously over the edge of the roof.
A rickety old ladder was hanging precariously over the edge of the damaged roof.