"Appearance is vital. Who would not like to look good in other peoples eyes when it comes to written English? That's why our Danish company in Scandinavia regularly uses Canadian Elizabeth Earle when something needs to be written in Advanced English"
"My name is Andrzej. I am 28 years old and from Poland. Recently I moved to London to apply for a job. Without the keen cyber-assistance from Elizabeth Earle to do my job application I would still have been unemployed"
"During my time spent at the University I received assistance from Elizabeth Earle pertaining to my English writing. She gave me a boost over the fence. As a non-native English speaker I still contact Elizabeth for help. She is my cyber secretary when it comes to written English"
I've been listening to your stories on your website!
What a magical voice you have - maybe you could
make audio books??? I will let my friends know
as it is a wonderful way to be able to sit at the computer and rest these arms after my first 5 min
activity b4 getting on the computer!
I love your voice! It is such a full, rich voice with your
English accent! Is it a Newfie accent or English?
It has been so difficult to find something to do that
would capture my interest so I could keep off the
keyboard or mouse while at the computer. It is such
a nice place to go while here. But I did realize that
I could really benefit from having an IPod so I could
also listen to you and our Buddhist downloads while
away from the computer!